Return Guarantee

Our Return Guarantee

30 Days. Period.® Return parts & products within 30 days of placing your order.

What can I return?

To qualify for refund, parts must not have incurred damage such as signs of installation by the customer, marks, or scuffing. Electrical parts must not have been installed. Item must be returned in its original packaging including retail box and must include all accessories originally included with the item.  Accessories such as Stands, Covers, Bulbs, are NOT covered. And all Cleaning Products also NOT covered under this 30 Return Policy.

When will I get my refund?

When we’ve received and processed the return, we will credit your card for the amount you paid for the item(s), plus any applicable sales tax. We normally process your return within a few days. Check with your bank or credit card about their policies.

Does PARDZWORLD provide a shipping label?

No. You must supply your own shipping label and shipping costs. We do not refund shipping or other surcharges you may incur in returning the item(s) to us. You can get a shipping label at the from the shipping company you intent to ship to us.

How do I return a product?

  1. Include packing slip
    You can use the original packing slip from your purchase or make your own. If you’re making your own packing slip, make sure to include the following:
    — Name
    — Address
    — Telephone number
    — Order number
    — Model and serial number of equipment, if provided during your purchase
    — Reason for return
    If you can’t find the order number, call our customer service at +91 8296 240299 or use our website contact tab.
  2. Prepare the package
    Pack your return securely in the original packaging or your own box.
  3. Attach return label
    Use the return-address label printed on the packing slip or make your own and tape it to the package.

That’s it! We will email you when we have received and processed your return.

Ship To:


#37/1, Vanushrey Building, 1st Cross Street,

Model colony, yeshwanthpur,


+91 80 43024033

we will email you when we have received and processed your return.

Special Handling of Certain Materials:
 If the product you are returning contains any combustible or hazardous materials, contact your shipping carrier for instructions on how to safely package and ship that product. You are responsible for compliance with all laws and regulations regarding the proper handling, packing, and shipment of combustible materials, hazardous materials, fragile materials, materials that may leak, or anything that may cause environmental or physical harm.

Abuse of Return Policy: reserves the right to refuse to sell to any person for any reason not prohibited by law, including, but not limited to, abuse of its return policy.

